Photo of a normal uterus to the left. Uterus with fibroids below.
She set me up with an ultrasound the following week and the lab tech confirmed that I do have fibroids. I have 5 that can be seen and measured. They range in size from 2-7 centimeters (7 cm = about 3 inches = the length of my index finger). Basically fibroids are masses of bloody tissue. They feed off blood so as long as my body is producing estrogen and I have periods, they will continue to grow. They cause excessive bleeding and menstrual pain, they cause break thru bleeding during the month, and they basically make me sterile. The end result is that I am going to need a hysterectomy to take out the uterus. So the crux of it is, I am never going to be able to have children of my own. Hearing this news made me really sad. Yes, I am 40 now and I already knew the ability to have my own children was already questionable, but I guess I was still living in a fantasy world that I might meet someone, fall in love, get married and have children. This was a cold bucket of icy water.
Since finding out, I have met with a gynecologist who specializes in female reproductive issues and who also does her own surgeries. She confirmed that the size and number of my fibroids meant that I wasn’t going to get pregnant even if I had good eggs and tried right now. The fibroids block the cervix so nothing is getting thru it. If a sperm should happen to make it thru, the chance of a miscarriage is high because the fibroids are taking up room in my uter

OK, I know you are thinking I am feeling sorry for myself. I am. I admit it. Deep down I know there are other ways to have a family and I know that I have options. Realistically, it's not the end of the world. Still, I have been sad and I can’t shake it. I think a lot of it has to do with the reality that I am not where I thought I would be at 40. I never imagined I would be single at this age. I never imagined that I would not have kids by now. I feel like I missed out on a lot of years, perhaps wasted time, or made bad decisions? I don't know. I do know this... I am NOT trying to be a single mom right now. I have never wanted that life. I know how hard it can be, and I don't think I would be the best mom I could be in that situation. I only want a family when it's right for me and my future partner. So I need to move on with my decision to have a surgery and get a hysterectomy.
There are some other sad things that are happening too so it adds to my overall funk. Some of my friends are dealing with tragedies beyond comprehension right now. Their troubles overshadow my personal stuff so I have that perspective in line. But it also makes it harder to be positive right now.
In the end, I think I will get over it soon enough. At least I am not dying right? I simply have to have a surgery and I’ll feel better internally.
1 comment:
I hope you're feeling okay! This whole thing sounds like it SUCKS- you have every right to feel down about it! Don't beat yourself up for "feeling sorry for yourself." If this happened to your friend, you would have sympathy for her, so of course you should show some sympathy for yourself and what you're going through! At least that's how I look at it... I'm over here in Ballard thinking good thoughts for you, and if a lunch date at Bamboo Garden would make your uterus feel better, let me know- I'm there!
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