After that excitement, I came to find out that my friend who was going to be flying into Seattle for the weekend, was sick. So under DR's orders, the trip is cancelled. I am bummed as I had some fun plans for us this weekend. It couldn't be helped but it was Bummer #2 for the morning and it was only 7AM!
I spent the morning dealing with insurance and police all the while trying to work. It was an unusually busy day at work so that was unexpected. I had to forge through it as best I could. By about 2PM I was hungry and decided to stop to make some lunch. I decided to cook some corn on the cob and had a large pot boiling on the stove when another of my neighbors stopped by to inquire about the smashed up car. As I was talking to her, a small gust of wind slammed my front door shut, locking me outside without keys, shoes or my phone. Bummer #3! I knew that my upstairs deck door was unlocked so my neighbor helped me locate a ladder and we tried to get to the deck from that. Doing this entailed a barefoot walk across some really HOT blacktop, through the prickly brush and dried grass and over some very small, sharp rockery! Unfortunately my fear of heights kicked in (or maybe my fear of rickety, lightweight ladders!) and I couldn't get up the ladder far enough to haul my butt over the railing. Yikes - what to do! In the end, my other neighbor (who is also the President of the HOA) came to my rescue. He actually had a spare key from the last owner of my condo. So I was able to get in and save my kitchen from imminent cooking disaster!
What a frustrating day. I am ready for it to be over! As a Professional Organizer I am very scheduled. I make to-do lists and I make plans. None of this was on the calendar today! So what did I learn? I am going to have to think about that and get back to you!
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